Postcard from Boston – MIT

This is the Stata Center at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Cambridge. The architect is Frank Gehry who also designed the amazing Louis Vuitton Fondation in the Bois de Boulogne. Apparently there is a law suit against Gehry’s company because the building leaks. Sounds a bit like the problems IM Pei (MIT & Harvard grad) had when he built the Hancock Tower in Boston’s Back Bay. The Hancock Tower is the one reflecting Trinity Church  in a photo I posted a couple of days ago.
Il s’agit du Centre Stata à l’Institut de Technologie de Masschusetts (MIT) à Cambridge. L’architecte est Frank Gehry qui a également conçu la fondation Louis Vuitton au Bois de Boulogne. Il y aurait un procès à l’encontre de la société de Gehry à cause des fuites. Cela rappelle les problèmes de IM Pei (ancien élève du MIT et Harvard) lors de la construction de la tour Hancock à Back Bay à Boston. La tour Hancock est celle qui réfléchit l’église de la Trinité dans ma photographie d’avant-hier.

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  1. Surprenante architecture.
    J’ai beaucoup aimé le reflet de l’Eglise de la Trinité sur les miroirs de la Tour Hancock.

  2. I think that there are a few ‘Architect Designs’ that look splendid on paper, win the contract and then are built with some unfortunate problems that become apparent .
    Leaks, cleaning and user unfriendly are not unknown. The UK , London had a wobbly bridge!

  3. @William – It’s great, isn’t it?
    @Monique – Oui, c’est mon préféré aussi.
    @Lesley – Unfortunately, you’re right. Many are designed by men as well which means they don’t always look at practical aspects 🙂

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