Redeeming Light – Lumière qui rachète la mauvaise journée

The light over the Loire at the end of the afternoon redeemed an awful day spent tidying up after our house had been ransacked by burglars during our absence the night before.
La lumière sur la Loire en fin d’après-midi a racheté une très mauvaise journée passée à remettre en ordre notre maison après un cambriolage pendant notre absence le soir précédant.

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  1. Nature always has restorative powers. So sorry to hear of the burglary. Whilst nothing of great value has been taken [odd] it will take a while for you to again feel secure in your lovely home.

  2. @William – Thank you on both counts.
    @Helen – Yes, it does. And, yes, it will take a while to feel secure again. I used to feel so safe here.

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