Last Saharan Roses – Dernières roses Saharan

ldp_222_last_saharan_rosesWe’re amazed at how many flowers are still blooming despite the low temperatures and the fact that it is nearly mid-October. We’ll know when the first frost comes – all the nasturiums will keel over.
Nous sommes étonnés du nombre de fleurs qui continuent à s’ouvrir malgré les températures qui baissent et le fait qu’on est presque mi-octobre. Nous saurons lorsque le premier gel arrive – toutes les capucines vont tourner de l’oeil.

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  1. We had our first frost on Monday. My bean plants have keeled over, still with a couple of kilos worth of beans on them, all now ruined 🙁 I picked a load of apples yesterday because I don’t want to risk them being out in too much frost.

  2. @William – That doesn’t surprise me in your northern ciime
    @Helen – We have our pseudo-Ronsard roses until Christmas.
    @Susan – I didn’t realise that it was that much colder down your way. How annoying about the beans. We have picked all our tomatoes now.

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