Not much growing in our vegetable patch in autumn. My summer salads have stopped growing (back left) and are now mounting. We’ve planted two autumn lettuces – escarole and sugarloaf chicory – three types of spinach that we need to thin out and some lambs lettuce that doesn’t seem at all happy. We still have some sorrel (though the slugs have been working their way through it) and lots of chives. There are figs on the fig tree but they don’t appear to be ripening which is a disappointment. What do you have?
Nous n’avons pas grand-chose au potager en automne. Mes salades d’été ne poussent plus (arrière gauche) et sont en train de monter. Nous avons planté deux types de salades – de la scarole et du pain de sucre -, trois types d’épinards que nous devons éclaircir et un peu de mâche qui ne semble pas heureuse du tout. Il nous reste de l’oseille (même si les limaces l’apprécient) et beaucoup de ciboulette. Il y a des figues sur le figuier mais elles ne semblent pas mûrir ce qui est bien décevant. Qu’est-ce qui pousse dans votre jardin?
My parents always had a vegetable garden when I was growing up, with a mix of crops for the basement freezer that would last over the winter. Dad didn’t like harvesting them, so gradually he started laying down a row of grass sod to lessen the size of the garden. When they moved up to another spot in Ontario’s cottage country, they were just growing a few items. One fall the deer got in and ate everything. Dad said that was the end of his days of planting vegetables.
Oh, dear, how sad that the deer took everything! We have a fence around ours that we keep closed against small deer.
Pas plus de plantes dans mon jardin, quelques salades (12 scaroles et 12 cornettes), un peu de mâches et pour employer le terrain quelques choux, persil et ciboulette.
Maintenant c’est un peu le repos du jardinier. Bises. Jacky
Bonjour Jacky. Je ne connaissais pas la cornette mais j’ai cherché sur internet. La prochaine fois on en plantera.