CDP Theme Day – Out of Focus

ldp_240_blurry_bellThis month’s City Daily Photo’s theme Out of Focus which is a bit of a challenge for me because I am one of those people who likes their photos to be as sharp as possible. Since my photos are always taken with an iPhone, I used Instagram to blow up a sharp photo then I used a filter to accentuate the blurriness. This bell is on the top of an old house in my street but I don’t know what it’s original purpose was. For other takes on this month’s theme, click here.
Le thème de City Daily Photo ce mois-ci est “Flou”  ce qui est un vrai défi pour moi puisque je suis parmi ces personnes qui cherchent à ce que toutes leurs photos soient aussi nettes que possible. Comme toutes mes photos sont prises avec un iPhone, je me suis servi d’Instagram pour agrandir une photo nette puis j’ai utilisé un filtre pour accentuer le flou. Cette cloche se trouve sur une vieille maison dans ma rue mais je ne connais pas son son origine. Pour d’autres exemples du thème du mois, cliquer ici.

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  1. Well at least it was a chance to play around with some post-production techniques 🙂 It’s come out quite interesting looking.
    We would have had no trouble with this months theme. For years we have kept every photo. You never know when something will come in handy, and you sometimes don’t realise what you’ve photographed when you thought you were photographing something else.

  2. @bill – yes, I do the same
    @Jim – thanks!
    @William – yes, it is.
    @Gerald – I hadn’t thought of that one 🙂
    @Susan – the problem is finding them again!
    @Lauren – thanks!
    @Stuart – yes, a bit Italian 🙂

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