On July 15, 1944, at 7.29 pm, Robert E. Jenkins, a Californian pilot in the 63rd squadron, 56th fighter group of the 8th US Air Force based at Boxted airfield in South-East England crashed in his “Thunderbolt, in the forest of Blois near Molineuf. He was confirmed dead by the German senior doctor and his body, initially buried in the local cemetery, now lies in the American military cemetery of Colleville-Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer in Calvados.
Le 15 juillet 1944 à 19h29, Robert E. Jenkins, pilot californien de l’escadron 63 du 56ième groupe de combat de la 8ème US Air Force basé sur le terrain d’aviation de Boxted au sud-est d’Angleterre s’est écrasé à bord de son “Thunderbolt” en forêt de Blois à côté de Molineuf. Décès constaté par le médecin chef allemand et son corps d’abord enseveli au cimetière communal repose dans le carré militaire américain de Colleville-Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer dans le Calvados.
The memorial looks warm in that light.
The memorial is a nice tribute to the Americans.
@William – It was nice and sunny but a little cool.
@Bill – Yes, I thought it was a nice tribute too.