I thought this was an interesting composition with the white bench, the wooden bench and the pumpkin on the landing. Taken from the GR trekking path along the Cisse near Coulanges.
Je trouvais cette composition intéressante avec le banc blanc, le banc en bois et la citrouille sur le ponton. Photo prise depuis le GR le long de la Cisse à côté de Coulanges.
It seems an odd place to leave a pumpkin.
What an pleasant looking garden the house has – until you remember that you’ve forgotton the corkscrew on the drinks tray.
I wonder who left the pumpkin. It would be interesting to see how all those items arrived at the scene. It was all set for you and your photo. Very nice!
One wonders how long the pumpkin has been there.
@Susan – Doesn’t it just?
@Lesley – I can see you often forget the corkscrew!
@Bill Burke – There were quite a lot of interesting back yards along that walk.
@William – Probably since Hallowe’en.