Sunny Spikes – Pics ensoleillés

I’m pretty sure I posted a photo of these little spiky flowers last year.but I still can’t remember what they’re called!
Je suis presque sûre d’avoir posté une photo de ces petites fleurs qui ressemblent à une grosse brosse22 l’année dernière mais je ne sais toujours pas comment elles s’appellent !

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  1. These are the seed heads of Common Teazel Dipsacus fullonum (Fr. Cardère sauvage). They are also known in French as les Caberets-des-oiseaux and birds like Goldfinches love them for their fine seeds. The flowers are pink and open in bands around the ‘cone’. A few years ago it was discovered that the plants are carnivorous, absorbing the nutrients from insects that get trapped in the leaf axils.

  2. @Helen – What a name!
    @William – Now, that doesn’t often happen!
    @Susan – I was sure you’d know! We have goldfinches in the garden sometimes – chardonneret élégant.
    @Bill – I think I should grow some on the slope behind our house.
    @Jane – I wonder why they have become rare in England. I saw some more today further along the Loire.

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