The trench digging machine has returned to the rental firm and we’re left with a big mess. I wonder how long it will take for it to return to normal?
La trancheuse est repartie tournée à la maison de location et il ne reste plus que le gros chantier. Je me demande combien de temps il va falloir pour revenir à la normale ?
Perhaps the spring? Yes, it’s quite a mess!
I hope it will be finished by sprirng but that might be a bit optimistic.
Et aujourd’hui après la pluie la ressemblance est encore plus forte.
6 months. Are you starting a book? 🙂 What are the odds offered?
Is a book a betting book? I don’t think I could stand it for six months.
Such a big undertaking but will be definitely worth it in the end.
I guess the grass won’t grow until spring.
Your home does look a tad sad.