When we drove past this field at about 1.30 pm we were very surprised to see six deer. We can only imagine that they knew that all the hunters were having their Christmas lunch.
Lorsque nous sommes passés devant ce champ vers 13h30 nous étions très étonnés de voir six chevreuils. On imagine qu’ils devaient savoir que tous les chasseurs étaient autour d’une table de noël.
Venison no doubt!
They’ve got their white winter rumps on. You can tell by the way they are standing and flashing their rumps that they know you are there and are on the alert. And they’re in a canola field. Roe deer love canola flowers. I bet that’s what they are looking for.
@Helen – Horrible to think of!
@Susan – I didn’t know about the winter rumps. Thank you. Yes, the canola seemed to have flowered a second time this year. I wish I had been able to get up closer.
That’s a pleasant surprise.