Our outiings at the moment are not very exciting – tonight we went to buy cable conduits and rebars. It was very eerie and golden among the sand bags though.
Nos sorties en ce moment ne sont guère intéressants : ce soir nous sommes allés acheter des gaines électriques et des fers à béton. L’ambiance parmi les sacs de sables était mystérieux avec une jolie lumière dorée..
That really is a lot of sandbags- but when you’re near a river that can flood, it’s probably a good idea to have them.
My office in London looked towards the west and for ages there was a crane in the distance that would get lit up at sunset so it was gilded. Gorgeous!
@William – They use sand here for icy roads.
@Susan – This photo is strange because the light didn’t seem as gold when I took the photo.