Kings' Cake – Galette des rois

06_galette_alietteOur friend Aliette came to the market on Saturday morning with a completely home-made and extremely delicious galette des rois. This is the cake used to celebrate the Epiphany in France, the 12th day of Christmas, January 6th, the day on which the three kings reached Bethlehem. It has become an essential part of New Year throughout the country and is practised in different forms that you can read about here and here. This is one of the reasons we love the local market so much!
Notre amie Aliette est arrivée au marché samedi matin avec une galette des rois entièrement faite maison et absolumment délicieuse. Voici pourquoi nous aimons tant notre marché local !

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  1. Looks delicious. Was she selling it or just sharing with friends?
    I’ve just checked out the recipe and history. I wonder had she included a charm.

    1. No, just sharing with friends! There is a group that usually meets at the coffee stall on Saturdays called “On Va Sortir” and Aliette is part of it. We know most of the people now and Aliette has become a friend. She put two tokens in so there were two queens. I am going to take a photo of my collection of tokens for tomorrow’s photo.

  2. Our Deputy was at our village celebration with galette and wine and confirmed that the President of France does not get galette with a feve/charm in it. Can’t be the Pres. and the King!

  3. As usual we were a bit behind the curve and celebrated with our neighbors on the 14th day of Christmas. In any case, it was a great excuse to enjoy galettes and pétillant on a Sunday afternoon.

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