I come from North Queensland in Australia and only knew about snowdrops from books until I went to live in France. When they appear in the little wood behind our 400-year old house in Blois, it’s like a rebirth after the winter and one of the reasons why I love my life in France! The photos below show a close-up of the snowdrops and how they grow in a sort of strip.
For other entries in this month’s City Daily Photo Theme Day, click here.
Je viens du Queensland du nord en Australie et les perce-neiges m’étaient connus uniquement par mes lectures avant de me rendre en France. Lorsqu’ils apparaissent dans le petit bois derrière notre maison de 400 ans à Blois, c’est comme une renaissance après l’hiver et l’une des raisons que j’aime ma vie en France ! Dans les photos ci-dessous on voit les perce-neiges de plus près et ensuite la façon dont ils poussent en bande.
Le thème ce mois-ci de City Daily Photo est “loving life” qui peut être interpreté de façons différentes : aimer la vie, joie de vivre, profiter de la vie … Pour d’autres photos sur le même thème, cliquez ici.
They are a pretty sight! There’s something similar here that comes up in April, but in blue.
Beautiful little flowers! They’re a real joy to see in spring.
They are coming up here too. don’t you just love them!
Happy February to you
Such beautiful flowers. I don’t grow them, but some of my neighbors do, so they must grow here.
I’ve never managed to start and grow any both here in France and at our previous home in the UK. There are several varieties and green & white is just the start of a description of this delicate looking but hardy little gem.
They are terrific little bulbs, but definitely for cooler climates. Snowflakes Leucojum spp will grow in warmer places, but it’s not the same.
oh how beautiful! a sign of spring! i’d love to hear more about your 400 year old house though!
@William – I’m surprised there are no snowdrops in Canada. Maybe the blue ones in April are bluebells?
@Kay – They certainly are!
@MaryBeth – Happy February to you too – last month of real winter!
@Barbara – You can ask your neighbour to give you some of the seeds when the pods form and just sprinkle them on the ground.
@Lesley – Would you like me to save some pods and send them to you?
@Susan – They are so intrepid. First we have the snowdrops, then the daffodils, all thanks to our previous owners.
@Tanya – You can have a look on http://www.closeriefalaiseau.com.
That would be very generous of you. They say that the plant grows when planted ‘in the green’ rather than by planting the corms/bulbs. Both have failed me!
They are as beautiful as I had imagined, just like you, from books.
What a contrast in life – Townsville to Blois.
They are brave, pushing themselves out of the ground in the coldest part of the winter.