The sign inside this traditional French restaurant in Rochecorbon near Vouvray called L’Embarcadère says “Choose your bottle in the cellar and enjoy!” What a great way to present a large selection of local Loire Valley wines!
J’aime bien l’idée d’aller choisir sa bouteille à la cave dans ce restaurant traditionnel à Rochecorbon à côté de Vouvray. Il s’agit de l’Embarcadère. Quelle façon merveilleuse de découvrir un grand choix de vins de la Vallée de la Loire !
The place looks quite inviting!
Ah yes, choose your wine and have the waitress bungle opening it and spray it all over you, the table and your guests…and not apologise or attempt to clean it up! We’ve stopped going here. The waitresses are notoriously odd.
@William – We thought it was.
@Susan – Oh dear, What an awful experience. We have been happy with both the food and service both times we’ve been there.