Roofs & Chimneys – Toits et cheminées

Today, we went walking at La Chaussée Saint Victor, a town to the north-east of Blois. We really like these roofs seen from above. The following photo shows the front of the manor house which belongs to the municipality. However, I was not able to find out any more about it.
Aujourd’hui on s’est promenés à la Chaussée Saint Victor, une commune au nord-est de Blois. Nous avons bien aimé ces toits aperçus d’en haut. La photo suivante montre le devant du manoir qui appartient à la commune. Je n’ai pas pu en savoir plus.

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  1. Ha! Of course it’s owned by the local authority! No one else would get away with all those non-standard, non-conservation grade and highly visible roof windows!! (I rather like the treatment of the pepperpot roof on the right, it’s very practical and not ugly, but I bet you would really struggle to convince your Batiment de France architect to agree to them.) The other modern roof windows in the main roof should technically be forbidden too, but rarely are — people just install them without asking.

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