Today we went to top up our local bubble supply – vouvray, the traditional method. We tried a new vineyard today, Vigneau-Chevreau, but we only bought their still wine. We still prefer Freslier for bubbles. Great cellar though!
Aujourd’hui nous sommes allés se réapprovisionner en bulles locales : vouvray, méthode traditionnelle. Nous avons essayons un nouveau vignoble aujourd’hui, Vigneau-Chevreau, mais nous avons acheté uniquement leur vin tranquille silex. Nous préférons toujours les bulles de chez Freslier. Belle cave !
That is exactly what you think of when you’re looking for a wine cellar!
Ha, ha, yes!
Many years ago at a Game Fair in the UK I entered a competion and had to name the various sizes of wine bottles in the correct order. I was very pleased to find two cases (24 bottles in those days) on our doorstep a week or so later. Your photo reminds me of one of the few times ‘trivia’ knowledge was so useful.
Wow! I can’t remember the names at all, although I think they have something to do with the three magi :).
A lovely way to spend the day.
Jean Michel took me to lunch as well since it was Women’s Day :).