Today it was Bread Day in Les Grouëts, the area in Blois where we live. Hubert, on the left, fired up his bread oven and baked loaves of bread and pizzas made by locals. And a good time was had by all !
Aujourd’hui c’était la fête du pain aux Grouëts le quartier de Blois où nous vivons. Hubert, à gauche, a préchauffé son ancien four à pain pour faire cuire du pain et des pizzas fabriqués par l’Association des Grouëts. Et on en a tous bien profité !
Good displacement activity while you waited for the outcome of the election no doubt.
How wonderful to be a part of this and then the aroma’s!
@Susan – Yes, first we voted, then went to the Fête du pain, then Truffaut. It certainly wiled away the time.
@Helen – We always try to go to our local festivities though we missed the mulled wine and chestnuts before Christmas, sadly.
I can just imagine the good smells!