The only reason I could take this photo is that the butterfly was obviously on its last legs. I don’t know what sort it is but I hope it shows that our garden is a friendly environment.
La seule raison que j’ai pu prendre cette photo est que le papillon était souffrant. Je ne connais pas l’espèce mais j’espère que sa présence montre que notre jardin est un environnement favorable.
Excellent macro shot!
Good grief! Was it actually still alive? It’s lost its entire abdomen and back wings. It’s a Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius (Fr. Flambé)
@William – with my new iPhone 6S!
@Susan – Not being very intimate with butterfly anatomy I wasn’t sure what was wrong but it did look somewhat diminished. It hopped around for a bit.
I think it’s a moth. If you scroll down, you can see the most likely one,,.striped wings.
I do enjoy your site. thanks for your work. .