Postcard #11 – Voronet Manastiria

155_volonet_1We arrived at Voronet Monastery in Bucovina at the end of the day which meant very few people and excellent light. Built in 1488 by Stefan cel Mare, the church is known as the Sistine Chapel of the East. It is one of the 11 monasteries in the area listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The little cemetery opposite is a real flower garden. The whole experience was very peaceful.
Nous sommes arrivés au monastère de Voronet en Bucovine en fin de journée ce qui nous a épargné les foules et nous a procuré une excellente lumière. Construite en 1488 par Stefan cel Mare (Etienne le Grand), l’église est surnommée la chapelle Sixtine de l’est. C’est l’un des onze monastères inscrits sur la liste du Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO. Le petit cimetière en face est un véritable jardin fleuri. Nous avons ressenti un grand paix dans ce lieu.

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  1. I do hope that it gets ‘used’. I’d love to whisk it away and rebuild on a local plot here and live in i!
    I hope that doesn’t sound too sacriligious.

  2. Unfortunately we can’t take photos inside. I noticed that a lot of Romanians visit the main monasteries.

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