Postcard #16 – Cesky Krumlov, Bohemia

178_cesky_krumlov_2Today was a hard drive – we left Slovakia at 8.30 am and got to Cesky Krumlov at 7 pm with only two short breaks, covering a mere 600 kilometers, but added over an hour due to roadworks on the Czech motorway. However, the beautiful little Bohemian town of Czesky Krumlov was worth every minute.
Aujourd’hui, la route était été très longue : nous avons quitté la Slovaquie à 8h30 et sommes arrivés à Cesky Krumlov à 19 heures avec seulement deux courtes pauses, ayant parcouru 600 kilomètres. Nous avons ajouté plus d’une heure à cause des travaux sur l’autoroute en République tchèque mais la belle petite ville bohème de Czesky Krumlov en vaut bien la peine.

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  1. You biked almost 400 miles in one day? Please tell me if I haven’t converted kms to miles correctly. I am astounded. 600 km?? Maybe you meant 60, I do hope so. And to be able to take this lovely photo at the end, 40 miles or 400, is an achievement.

    1. We drove 600 k. We move from one region to another by car with the bikes on the back. We cycle about 50 to 80 k on our power bikes but it was too cold and windy in Slovakia unfortunately – sorry to be so misleading :).

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