Welcoming Cyclists – Bienvenue aux cyclists

211_water_cyclistsWe’ve had a very busy weekend cycling. This photo was taken between Amboise and Montlouis. A local wine grower keeps a shady table stocked wtih water for passing cyclists. What a great idea!
Nous avons été très occupés ce weekend à faire du vélo. Cette photo est prise entre Amboise et Montlouis. Un vigneron local accueille les cyclistes de passage avec  une table ombragée et des bouteilles d’eau. Quelle excellente idée !

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  1. That is indeed very welcoming although they do look a little stiff. Anyway, I’ve not come across this in my many routes to Montlouis. On the other hand, on one of them, I stopped to take some photos (imagine that) and the owner of a nearby home came out and struck up a conversation. Next thing I know, we’re discussing his father’s World War II memorabilia in his cave over a glass of family made wine. Sigh. I love this area.

  2. What a great experience! Today’s photo was taken in the same village. The bike paths in that area are really excellent.

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