I can’t believe I’ve been going to Ile d’Or in Amboise once a month for the last 5 years and have never seen this statue of Leonardo da Vinci along the Loire. I took it from a more modest angle. Leonardo spent his last years in Amboise at Clos Lucé château at the invitation of François I.
Je n’arrive pas à croire que je vais à l’Ile d’Or à Amboise tous les mois depuis cinq ans sans avoir jamais vu cette statue de Léonard da Vinci au bord de la Loire. Je l’ai prise d’un angle plutôt pudique. Léonard a passé ses dernières années à Amboise au château du Clos Lucé à l’invitation de François Ier.
Leonardo’s certainly looking relaxed.
Interesting bit of history for me. He certainly looks large enough, not to be missed.
He’s a bit scary being so large and so close to the footpath!
I can’t believe you’ve never seen it either!
@William – That’s for certain!
@Helen – He is on a lower path along the river which we have never been on before.
@Lesley – He’s right ON the footpath! And has a very shiny part to him which I didn’t photograph.
@Susan – I guess we’re always going in the other direction when it’s still light.