Two Little Bugs – Deux petites bestioles

240_insect_moniqueThese two little bugs come to us care of our friends Monique and Jacky. The first is a and the second is a grasshopper and the second a cricket. Maybe our friend Susan from Days on the Claise can help us identify them more scientifically.
Ces deux petites bestioles nous viennent de nos amis Monique et Jacky. La première est  une sauterelle alors que la deuxième est un grillon. Peut-être que notre amie Susan de Days on the Claise pourra nous aider à les identifier de façon plus scientifique.239_insect_jacky

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  1. The green one on the rose looks like the bush-cricket Phanaroptera nana, but the photo isn’t good enough to be sure of the species. The black one is a Field Cricket Gryllus campestris. The bush-cricket is a herbivore, the Field Cricket is omnivorous.
    FYI, because I assume you’ll be interested, grasshopper = criquet; bush-cricket (or US katydid) = sauterelle; cricket = grillon. Grasshopper is often wrongly translated as sauterelle.

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