The Burglar-Resistant Gate – Le portail anti-voleurs

240_higher_gateAfter a break-in at the end of last year, Jean Michel added some extra height to our side gate, with the advice of Jacky, who made the original gate, in order to deter burglars from getting around the front which is easier to break into. Jean Michel has just finished repainting it. The next step is to train roses over the top.
Après un cambriolage à la fin de l’année dernière, Jean Michel a rajouté de la hauteur au portail qui sépare l’avant et l’arrière de notre jardin, avec les conseils de Jacky qui a fabriqué le portail d’origine, afin d’empêcher les cambrioleurs de pénétrer la maison par les portes et fenêtres de la façade avant qui sont plus faciles à forcer. Jean Michel vient de le repeindre. L’étape suivante est de faire passer des rosiers sur le dessus.

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  1. We were robbed about a month ago. I am still unsure if it were a local or passing stranger. I resent the idea that we should go down the security camera route, it would deter the stranger perhaps, but lots of pirckley roses around the garden edges may do the trick. As I feel now I want broken glass/razor wire!

  2. @William and Butcherbird: Thank you!
    @Helen: We’ll have to wait until next May to see the full effect.
    @Lesley – I’m sorry sorry to here about your robbery. I understand the security camera reticence. I’m sure the roses would help because they will take away the sting.

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