You don’t usually see storks this far west, but I guess it’s nostalgia :). On ne voit pas souvent de cigognes dans le centre de la France mais je suppose que quelqu’un a le mal du pays :).
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I am astounded. I had no idea they could be seen around here. Glad you were able to witness them.
I am astounded. I had no idea they could be seen around here. Glad you were able to witness them.
I think these ones are resident all year round.
Ha ha! did you see the pics of the ones that stopped over on the chateau at Le Grand Pressigny?
No I didn’t. I saw these the last time we cycled to Valaire and didn’t take a photo. This time I stopped. These actually move with the wind.
I like that.
Not difficult to assume they are not alive, especially with the creeper winding its way up the pole.
Do humans bring a baby stork to the nest?
It could well be! Oh Lesley, you have such a good sense of humour!