The New Façade – La nouvelle façade

I posted the photo below about a year ago. Spot the difference! Jean Michel has just spent nearly a month redoing the façade of the barn on the right after our neighbour removed the awful lean-to on his side. Using traditional materials and not cement and concrete meant that it was time-consuming but I think the result is worth it!
J’ai posté la photo ci-dessous il y a un an à peu près. Est-ce que vous voyez la différence ? Jean MIchel vient de passer près d’un mois à refaire la façade de la grange à droite après que notre voisin a enlevé l’appentis disgracieux de son côté. Le fait d’utiliser des matériaux traditionnels et non pas du ciment et du béton a pris plus de temps mais je pense que le résultat vaut bien la peine !

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  1. Jean Michel has done a fantastic facelift! What a gorgeous day and autumn colours.
    By the way enjoy your red ladybirds for me. Ours are orange and very small, when one can spot them.

    1. Thank you Helen! The next time I see a ladybird, I’ll take a photo for you. I didn”t know they were orange in Australia. Do you think there are any up north?

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