Postcard #20 – The Barbican, Kraków

18119_barbicaneThe photo I would have liked to post today was not possible. We visited Wawel Castle which has the most extraordinary stamped and dyed leather-covered walls but unfortunately no photos are allowed and we were under close surveillance. The barbican above, built in 1498, is just outside what remains of the city walls which were replaced in the 19th century by a very pleasant shaded promenade.
La photo que j’aurais aimée poster aujourd’hui n’est pas possible. Nous avons visité le château de Wawel qui a des murs extraordinaires recouverts de beau cuir estampillé et teint de couleur. Malheureusement les photos étaient interdites et nous étions surveillés de près. La barbacane ci-dessus, construite en 1498, devant le reste des remparts de la ville. Ceux-ci ont été  replacés au dix-neuvième siècle par une promenade ombragée très agréable.

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    1. But there was unfortunately no photo of the leather walls. We have seen very few postcard sellers anywhere in Poland. Everyone sends them by email or mms these days.

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