We have cycled past Chateau de Troussay many times but never visited it until yesterday. It has the most eclectic interior imaginable. If I were the owners I’d remove half the contents especially all the things that are broken and only leave objects worthy of interest. At 7.50 euros per person, it is not worth a visit.
Nous sommes passés devant le château de Troussay souvent en vélo mais hier nous l’avons visité pour la première fois. Quel intérieur éclectique ! Si j’étais les propriétaires j’enlèverai la moitié du contenu surtout tout ce qui est cassé et je ne laisserai que les objets dignes d’intérêt. À 7 euros 50 l’entrée la visite est bien chère pour ce qu’on y trouve.
It’s impressive from the outside.
It’s privately owned, by friends of friends of ours. I have a similar criticism of Clos Lucé in terms of how parts of it are furnished and how expensive it is. 7.5€ is probably a fair price, it’s just that the big name chateaux entry fees are ‘subsidised’ by their other activities so they can charge a fee that the public will pay but still break even. The true cost of visitor footfall is a helluva lot more than visitors realise.