Jean Michel goes fishing in the Loire once a week in the summer. He usually catches little fish that you deep fry. However today he came back with two tenches, a carp and 10 roach. Unfortunately I’m not a fan of any of these fish – I was brought up on reef fish.
Jean Michel pêche dans la Loire toutes les semaines en été. D’habitude il prend de la friture mais aujourd’hui il est revenu avec deux tanches, une carpe et dix gardons. Malheureusement je ne suis pas friande de ce type de poissons – j’ai été élevée aux poissons des récifs.
Tanche carpe gardons
Sorry to say but unless de-headed, cleaned, de-gutted and boned I am not a fan of any fish. In fact I love them cooked for me! J M ‘s catch do look pretty though.
Well I’ll take it one step further- I’m not a fan of seafood at all, so I’d just leave them in the water! They do make for an interesting image though.