Spot the Monsters – Trouvez les monstres

Some sun at last! Spot the monsters on this half-timbered house built in the Middle Ages in Vienne, the neighborhood of Blois across the bridge from the Chateau.
Enfin du soleil! Trouvez les monstres sur cette maison à colombages moyenâgeuse à Vienne, le quartier de Blois qui se trouve de l’autre côté du pont en face du château.

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  1. Oh yes! I was waiting for someone else to admit defeat! I thought that I was looking for some ‘huge amount of work’ in sorting the wires and the woodwork out for the next 100 years.’ Happy New Year to you both.

  2. Ha. Thanks. I thought the same as Lesley, though I did guess about the one on the left, I wasn’t sure. And as for the one on the right….I am STILL not sure I can see it..
    Ah well. Bonne année!

    1. They must be over 500 years old so are very dark and worn. I found it difficult to see the one on the right too, even in the real. Bonne année to you too!

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