Some sun at last! Spot the monsters on this half-timbered house built in the Middle Ages in Vienne, the neighborhood of Blois across the bridge from the Chateau.
Enfin du soleil! Trouvez les monstres sur cette maison à colombages moyenâgeuse à Vienne, le quartier de Blois qui se trouve de l’autre côté du pont en face du château.
Help. I do not see them.
Look on the top left and right of the beam above the two large windows. Can you see them now?
Oh yes! I was waiting for someone else to admit defeat! I thought that I was looking for some ‘huge amount of work’ in sorting the wires and the woodwork out for the next 100 years.’ Happy New Year to you both.
Ha, ha! Happy New Year to you also.
Ha. Thanks. I thought the same as Lesley, though I did guess about the one on the left, I wasn’t sure. And as for the one on the right….I am STILL not sure I can see it..
Ah well. Bonne année!
They must be over 500 years old so are very dark and worn. I found it difficult to see the one on the right too, even in the real. Bonne année to you too!