There was the strangest light today about 3.30 pm. Vienne is the name of the neighborhood on the other side of the Loire. The spire belongs to the church of Saint Saturnin.
Il y avait vraiment une lumière étrange aujourd’hui vers 15h30. Vienne est le quartier de Blois qui se trouve de l’autre côté de la Loire. La flèche est celle de Saint Saturnin.
That would have been when we were having a hail storm, so I’d guess that’s what the light our side of the river was about.
We had very light hail and sleet about an hour later but I was already back home by then.
What a sky!
Beautiful isn’t it?
Hello, I am finally back and have enjoy catching up from before Christmas.
Before reading Susan’s comment I was going to say your sky looked post a storm.
Eerie and beautiful.
Hi Helen, in our part of the world there is still time to wish you all the best for 2019!