We visited Montrésor many years ago in winter and found it dark and gloomy and hardly worth the visit except for its beautiful staircase. We returned by bike on a lovely sunny day and what a surprise! And I’ll let you guess who’s in the painting.
Nous avons visité le château de Montrésor en hiver il y a quelques années. On l’a trouvé sombre et sans grand interêt en dehors de son bel escalier. Nous sommes retournés en vélo un jour ensoleillé et quelle belle surprise ! Et puis je vous laisse deviner les personnages du tableau.
Thanks for posting. Wonderful to look at from such a distance as unlikely I will ever be there….Western Canada
It was a very hot day in July when we visited, and along with some nice shots of the interior I got a great shot of the chateau from the bridge over the river.
We missed that!
If you are The Emporor I suppose that you never get to sitting down with a book and one of your kids without someone wanting to paint you..(If that is he?)
It is! With his son the King of Rome
A safe bet that it’s Napoleon in the second painting. Not sure about the first.
Yes Napoleon and his son the King of Rome. I don’t know who’s in the first one either.