Today is the fortieth day of lockdown which means we have ended the traditional quarantine period of 40 days. Quarantine is actually a French word meaning 40 days. However we still have another 16 days to go. It is also Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand which is a national day of remembrance to commemorate those who served and died in wars, conflicts and peace-keeping operations. I made Anzac biscuits which were first made by Australian women to send to the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) serving in Gallipoli in WW1.
There were no new deaths today in our area and the number of new deaths in France went down slightly from 389 to 369. One of the main discussions at present is how to manage public transport in major cities at the end of lockdown. Suggestions are changing working hours so they are spread out better, encouraging working from home as much as possible and compulsory wearing of masks.
Aujourd’hui est la fin de la période traditionnelle de confinement, la quarantaine, terme anglais emprunté au français, mais il nous reste encore 16 jours. C’est également Anzac Day en Australie et en Nouvelle Zélande pour rendre hommage aux soldats ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps). J’ai confectionné des biscuits Anzac envoyés à l’origine aux soldats qui combattaient à Gallipoli dans les Dardanelles pendant la première guerre mondiale.
Il n’y avait pas de nouveaux décès en Loir-et-Cher aujourd’hui et le nombre de nouveaux morts au cours des 24 dernières heures en France était 369 contre 389 hier. Le thème principal en ce moment est la gestion des transports en commun dans les grandes villes après le déconfinement. Parmi les préconisations, le décalage des heures de travail, le télétravail dans la mesure du possible et le port obligatoire de masques.
Hopefully that downward trend keeps up.
Just looked up Anzac biscuits as I had no clue how they were made. Recipe sounded good! Looks to be a lovely tea time.
I make them regularly because they stay fresh for ages. I use my friend Susan’s recipe
Ah. This one sounds even better than the one I read. Thanks.
Let me know how it goes!