During lockdown I heard a teacher on the radio explaining to children how to make scarecrows. I wonder if this is the result.
Still another death in our area bringing the total up to 60. That is the only figure I can find today!
Pendant le confinement j’ai entendu une jeune prof à France Info expliquer aux enfants comment faire un épouvantail. Je me demande si celui-ci en est le résultat.
Encore un autre décès en Loir-et-Cher aujourd’hui. C’est le seul chiffre que je trouve !
I find this website the easiest to use for day to day changes on a national and départemental level. https://www.cartedudeconfinement.fr/
Thank you for the tip. I use ars for centre Val de Loire and usually can find the figures for France easily but yesterday’s still aren’t on the Worldometers site although today’s are.