These are all the baby plants in one of my cold frames waiting for me to be on deck again after my flu!
Jean Michel went to the fresh produce market by himself this morning and noticed that social distancing seems to have been abandoned with only about fifty percent of people wearing masks. However he says there was no touching, hand shaking or kissing. Yet lockdown is still not over.
Voici tous les petits plants dans l’un de mes châssis froids qui attendent que je sois bien remise de ma grippe.
Jean Michel est allé seul au marché ce matin et il a remarqué qu’il n’y a plus de distanciation et seuls 50 pour-cent de la population portent des masques. Il a quand même vu que les gens ne se touchent pas, ne se serrent pas la main ni font la bise. Pourtant le déconfinement n’est pas terminé.
Ah. You have your work cut out for you! They are all looking healthy and well. Hope you will soon be feeling that way. (Here in Texas, in a small town, I see fewer and fewer face masks on the shoppers. And of course, there is being an increase in cases state-wide. Not here yet, but I am not optimistic.)
Thanks for your work here….I do enjoy your photos.
Today I really felt much better. I heard today that the figures for Texas are not looking good. Perhaps it will encourage people to start wearing face masks again. I hope so.