One of the reasons we chose to move to Blois is the proximity of mushroom-filled forests open to the public but the weather in recent years has somewhat curtailed our foraging activities. After a rather wet week followed by sun Jean Michel thought we might find some near Chambord castle. The result was a little meager but delicious with chanterelles, hedgehog, parasol, agaric and puffball mushrooms.parasol,
L’une des raisons qui nous a poussé à venir habiter à Blois est la proximité des bois pleins de champignons mais le temps depuis quelques années est peu propice à la cueillette. Après une semaine pluvieuse suivie de soleil jean Michel a pense qu’on pouvait en trouver près du château de Chambord. m vessels de loup. On en a eu très peu mais ils étaient délicieux: quelques girolles, pieds-de-moutons, coulemelles, agarics des bois et vesses-de-loup.
Aha. It has taken several tries to get to the comment option. Not just bypassing the “I am a human” and “Not a robot” page, but other things happen in between. If you’re notiicing less interaction with your readers, maybe something is going on here…..
Lovely mushrooms, and glad you are healthy again and can enjoy them.
I shall have to get my son onto this. I never asked for the human and robot options. My apologies.