We came across this little church on our way home from Le Lude yesterday. Its construction dates from several different periods: the Romanesque nave goes back to the 11th century, the chancel and transept to the 16th century (1530 to 1560). It also has remains of the Carolingian period on the south wall of the nave. The stained glass windows were made in about 1575.
Nous sommes tombés sur cette petite église en rentrant du Lude hier. Sa construction remonte à différentes époques : la nef de style roman a été construite au xie siècle, le chœur et le transept datent du xvie siècle (vers 1530-1560). L’église comporte également des vestiges de l’époque carolingienne sur le mur sud de la nef. Les vitraux datent de 1575 environ.

Looks fab!
I thought of you actually. One of those little churches you come across and that are actually open! I was sorry I didn’t take a photo of the Carolingian remains.