A Prosperous Café – Un café prospère


When we go cycling in the Loire Valley, it’s often hard to find a village café open but you can always count on this one (with the exception of Christmas Day). The friendly enterprising owner is obviously a good business woman because she always does a brisk trade including cigarettes and newspapers and it’s a popular spot for young people. The outdoor section has been added since the first lockdown in the spring. I hope she survives the pandemic.

Lorsque nous faisons du vélo dans notre région il est souvent difficile de trouver un café ouvert dans les villages mais on peut toujours compter sur le Denis Papin (à l’exception du jour de Noël). La propriétaire très aimable et dynamique est une excellente femme d’affaire, car il y toujours du monde dans son bar tabac presse y compris les jeunes du village. La terrasse a été rajoutée depuis le premier confinement au printemps. J’espère qu’elle survivra la pandémie.

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  1. My ‘café préferé’ is only able to do take away. He can’t put seats outside on his property even if they were 2m apart. I hate drinking from cardboard through a plastic lid so I have to collect it and drive it home to drink here. Hope we shall all be able to G.B.T.N. ( get back to normal) I miss my Marmite toast there with my dog.

    1. Oh what a pity. The coffee store at the market has a small number of real cups so we get one if we arrive early enough. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for GBTN.

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