They died for their country – Morts pour la patrie


Bracieux had a population of about 1000 in 1914. Nearly 60 died during the First World War, two in WW2 and one in Indochina. The population today is about 1300.

La population de Bracieux en 1914 était environ 1000. Près de 60 hommes sont morts au cours de la Grande Guerre, deux pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale et un en Indochine. La population actuelle est environ 1300.

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  1. In 2016 I was privileged to be able to attend the commemorations for le jour d’armistice in Lacapelle-Marival. It was extremely moving when each of the ‘deportés’ (WWII) names was read out and the crowd responded: ‘Mort pour La France’.

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