A Cold Market – Un marché froid

Blois Market

The cold weather is continuing and it was minus 1 degree when we got to the market this morning despite the sun. What amazes me is the number of people without anything on their head and some without gloves. At least wearing masks keeps our noses warm. I even wore long Johns today under woolen trousers. I also had a woolen headband under my parka hood, super-warm lined boots, rabbit-fur-lined leather gloves and usb hand warmers in my pocket.

Le temps froid continue et il faisait moins un ce mati au marché malgré le soleil. Ce qui m’étonne toujours est le nombre de personnes sans couvre-chef et même sans gants. Au moins avec les masques on n’a pas froid au nez. Moi je portais un caleçon sous un pantalon en laine, un bandeau en laine sous le capuchon de mon anorak, des bottes fourrées super-chaudes, des gants en cuir fourrés lapin et des chauffe-mains usé dans mes poches.

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  1. My new ‘trapper’ hat arrived yesterday, just in time for the temperature to rise to 6deg this morning. No doubt it will come into it’s own with future wind and cold. The sky looks so clear and blue in your photo.

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