Out at last! – Enfin de sortie !

Blois Royal Castle taken from the car

I hadn’t been out since our walk on Sunday but we got a small window of sun early afternoon and went to get some building materials and buy a few things at Biocoop. It rained for a bit then the sun came out again. It’s probably going to rain all day tomorrow. Sigh.

Je n’étais pas sortie depuis notre promenade dimanche mais on a eu assez de soleil en début d’après-midi pour nous encourager à faire des achats de matériaux et passer à Biocoop. Ensuite on a eu un peu de pluie suivie de soleil. Il est probable qu’il pleuve toute la journée demain. Hmm.

Snopdrops across the road from our house

Sunset from the road outside our house

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  1. I hope the cloudy/rainy days you are having now will make for a lush spring! Thanks for your photos. I do so enjoy them.

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