Firewood Delivery – Livraison de bois de chauffe

We had six stères (cubic mètres) of oak and hornbeam firewood delivered today in 50 cm lengths. It took the two of us 2 1/2 hours to stack it all under the new staircase. I hope I will be able to walk tomorrow!

On nous a livré six stères de chêne et de charme en bûches de 50 centimètres aujourd’hui. Il nous a fallu 2 1/2 heures à deux pour le ranger sous le nouvel escalier. J’espère que je pourrai marcher demain!

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  1. Now that is a load of firewood indeed and your stacking skills are admirable, great job.
    Where is the staircase?

  2. It was the humpin’ and stackin’ and chainsawin’ and eventually dustin’ that made us remove our wood burning stove years ago. I still miss it though.

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