This rather surprising mix of architectural styles is the parish church of Saint Martin in Mosnes. Of the early Romanesque church only the round apse and the chancel remain, together with the lower part of the square bell tower supported by the transept crossing. The current roof dates from the mid-18th century. The aisles are formed, to the north and south, by four adjoining chapels perpendicular to the nave, each lit by a flamboyant window. The building was extensively restored between 1850 and 1888. The 1862 facade precedes a nave covered with a brick vault in 1850. The south side dates from the 16th century while the north side was added in 1862.
Cet étonnant mélange de styles architecturaux est l’église paroissiale de Saint Martin à Mosnes. De l’église romane primitive ne subsistent que l’abside ronde et le choeur, ainsi que la partie inférieure de la tour carrée du clocher qui repose sur la croisée du transept. Son couronnement actuel date du milieu du 18e siècle. Les bas-côtés sont formés, au nord et au sud, de quatre chapelles contigües et perpendiculaires à la nef, chacune éclairée par une fenêtre flamboyante. L’édifice a été très restauré de 1850 à 1888. La façade de 1862 précède une nef, couverte d’une voûte de brique en 1850. Le collatéral sud date du 16e siècle ; celui du nord fut ajouté en 1862.
That is a marvelous mix of architecture.
I’d love to see how the inside of this church looks , it’s certainly unusual.
It wasn’t open but maybe next time!
Whenever I see this style I wonder just how many chapels one small community needs.
Quite. The population is about the same today as it was 300 years ago – around 700 – but it is on the Camino.
Thank you.