This 13th century tithe barn is just across the road from the cathedral. it was used to store rents and tithes. Farmers were required to give one-tenth of their produce to the canons of the church. It’s a pity we couldn’t go inside.
Ce bâtiment, construit au XIIIe à proximité de la cathédrale, servait à abriter le produit en nature de la redevance perçue par le chapitre des chanoines : la dîme, de dixième. C’était dommage qu’on n’ait pas pu voir l’intérieur.
A marvelous building!
Such a lovely design and a gorgeous day too!
Thank you. It was actually cold and windy but at least there was bright sun!
It’s no wonder why there are so many large and beautiful Church buildings when a 10 % Tax was paid by all. Super blue sky.
Yes the tithe was very useful! Cold and windy but sunny.