Batavia is my favourite lettuce and this is the first from our garden this year, grown one of the cold frames Jean Michel made during the first lockdown last spring. Safe from frost and slugs.
La batavia est ma salade préférée et celle-ci est la première à sortir de notre potager cette année. Je l’ai fait pousser dans une des serres froides construite par Jean Michel pendant le premier confinement au printemps dernier. A l’abri du gel et des limaces.
4 replies on “Perfect Batavia – Batavia parfaite”
I am not familiar with this type.
Susan says it’s Iceberg lettuce grown differently.
You know that Batavia is the dreaded and notorious Iceberg by another name? But I agree with you, the way they are grown here, it is much the nicest lettuce.
Really? My goodness. The first time I saw the iceberg was in a supermarket in the US in about 1978. It was constantly washed and had no taste.