Now that the rotten beams have been safely encased in steel and the beams supporting the upper floor have been cleaned and treated, the next step is to make a new floor with OSB structural panels before redoing the roof. An efficient electric hoist is needed, i.e. one that is the right speed for someone working on their own. It adds a splash of colour into the bargain.
Après avoir constitué des poutres en acier autour des poutres en bois endommagées, ayant nettoyé et traité les poutres qui supportent le plancher, le moment est venu de réaliser un nouveau plancher avec des dalles OSB3 avant de refaire la toiture. Pour ce faire il fallait trouver un palan électrique efficace c’est à dire suffisamment rapide. En plus cela rajoute de la couleur !
I’ve mailed a link to this page to one of my nephews, to the one who is an architect. I’d be curious to know if he has ever come across this method for repairing old beams. A very interesting post.
My husband based it on the sort of steel from used for hangars.
That is a big project.
I am super impressed with J-M’s activities!
He never ceases to amaze me.