Despite the fact that I have both a flower garden and a vegetable garden it was surprisingly hard to find an interesting photo because the season is just beginning. In the background are onions and garlic, in the foreground, tomatoes and bell peppers.
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Malgré le fait que j’ai un jardin d’agrément et un jardin potager, il était difficile de prendre une photo intéressante car on est encore au début de la saison. A l’arrière plan, on voit des onions et de l’ail et au premier plan, des pieds de tomates et de poivron.
Pour d’autres contributions à la journée thème du portail City Daily Photo ce mois-ci cliquez ici.
It’s all getting started here too.
Sorry that I am late in sending to you a few stems of Lilly of the Valley for May Day.
Thank you Lesley! Today’s post is for you.
Here high up in county Durham all the Tulips came up in the allotment and have been decorating the kitchen for a couple of weeks now, the garlic shallots and onions all came through the winter in their new raised bed ,we have never had any success with bell peppers even in our polly tunnel in fact we are not bothering with chilli peppers this year the growing season is just too short.
Yes I think I am being way too optimistic with the bell peppers. I even tried eggplants but the seeds sprouted quickly then keeled over. I produced only one viable seedling that I have yet to plant out. It’s all a learning process isn’t it?