I know this is a little late but I thought it was a good way to celebrate the end of our current lockdown. We are told the number of deaths will soon diminish and its true that there are fewer hospital admissions. We can now go anywhere we like in France though there is still a curfew from 7 pm to 6 am. We got back from cycling today at 6.59 pm. Non-essential shops, restaurants, cafés and bars as well as all cultural venues are still closed for at least another two weeks.
The lilies-of-the-valley and rose were a gift from the organic baker at the market. Only his best customers got a rose as well.
Je sais que c’est un peu tard mais je trouve que c’est une bonne façon de fêter la fin de notre confinement actuel. On nous dit que le nombre de décès va bientôt diminuer et il est vrai qu’il y a moins d’admissions à l’hôpital. Nous pouvons nous déplacer partout en France, bien qu’il y ait toujours un couvre-feu de 19 heures à 6 heures. Nous sommes rentrés de notre promenade à vélo aujourd’hui à 18h59. Les magasins non essentiels, les restaurants, les cafés et les bars ainsi que tous les lieux culturels sont encore fermés pendant au moins deux semaines.
Le muguet et la rose sont un cadeau du boulanger bio du marché. Seuls ses meilleurs clients ont reçu une rose également.
What a beautiful clock and kindest baker. Lovely to be thanked in this way.
My son in Austria is looking forward to May 19 when their Lockdown eases. He was saying however, that on is excercise ride, the parks had many, many groups of people sitting together and without masks.
The previous owners had a clock like that so I started searching in the secondhand stores and found this one! We found the people in Austria less strict than in Germany about applying the rules last summer especially near the Swiss border. Where is he?
You’re welcome.
Quite a clock.
Glad you like it.
I’d quite forgotten how to spell muguet ! Your clock has reminded me of a friend in France who had a birds clock that did it’s various tweets on the hour. Many a tea or coffee taken in her kitchen. I wonder if The Dog and I can and may be able to visit later this year.
I do hope you will be able to visit! I have a friend with a tweeting clock too.