Our Covid Table – Notre table Covid

Little did we imagine when we bought this table a couple of years ago that it would be perfect for distancing with friends! Now that we have had our second Pfizer vaccine we will be able to invite friends without having to worry about getting sick.

On était loin de penser en achetant cette table il y a deux ou trois ans qu’elle serait parfaite pour faire de la distanciation. Maintenant que nous avons reçu notre deuxième vaccin Pfizer nous pourrons inviter des amis sans inquiétude.

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      1. It has just been announced that Aussies are unlikely to travel OS until mid 2022. One third of the population don’t wish to be vacinated, is another report. My granddaughter will be 2 1/2 before I get to meet her!

    1. We’re hopefully having lunch with friends on Friday. I can’t wait! Let’s both do a post on Wednesday showing coffee at a café!

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