And then there was hail – Et puis la grêle est arrivée

Our unseasonable weather continues. Our gardening was brought to a halt by the rain and as soon as we got inside it started hailing. Fortunately it was only very small and didn’t last long. All my baby plants seem to have survived.

Notre météo étrange continue. La pluie a mis fin à notre jardinage et dès qu’on était à l’intérieur il a commencé à tomber de la grêle. Heureusement les grêlons étaient très petits et cela n’a pas duré longtemps. Il semble que toutes mes plantules ont survécu.

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  1. Ha. Maybe we should all move to Ottawa! Here in Texas, hail is not a very unusual visitor. And a nice south facing stone wall would have been beneficial for plants this winter, when we had an unusual zero degrees, but most likely not very comfortable for plants in the summer. Unless of course it was in deep shade. Still, plants seem to grow here and it is often very lovely in spite of the trials and tribulations. That’s probably true of gardening/farming anywhere.

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